Dental services in Helsinki

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Dental clinic Diana serves Helsinki's Punavuori with over 50 years of experience. On this page you can find our up-to-date price list.

Price list

Kela-codeTreatmentPrice €Kela-reparation €Deductible €
SAA01Examination, short509,5040,50
SAA02Basic examination783048
X-ray examinations    
EB1HAPanoramic picture of the teeth and jaws105996
EB1AAIntra oral X-ray45639
Filling treatment    
SFA10Filling on one surface841074
SFA20Filling on two surfaces14917132
SFA30Filling on three surfaces17319154
SFA40Crown made of composite material20423181
SFB30Ceramic filling on three surfaces (also laminate)38057323 *
 * The costs for dental technician will be added to the fee for ceramic fillings (also laminates)   
Root canal treatment    
SGA02Opening of tooth and rinsing of root canal1011091
SGA03Opening of tooth and rinsing of root canal, demanding13913126
SGA04Opening of tooth and rinsing of root canal, extra demanding18719168
SGB10Filling of 1 root canal95986
SGB20Filling of 2 root canals13513122
SGB30Filling of 3 root canals18719168
SGC00Local medication of root canal192993
Oral surgery    
EBA00Extraction of tooth1051095
EBA05Demanding extraction of tooth18210172
EBA10Operative extraction of tooth33042288
ECB00Stiching of gingiva69960
ECB40Plastic restoration of alveolar bione using artificial bone26657209
Prosthetic preparing and 3D-scanning93093
SPC01Prothetic crown (ceramic or metal-ceramic)from 9000from 900
SPC08Crown on implantfrom 23000from 2300
SPE01/SPE02Partial denture to one jawfrom 11000from 1100
SPF00Repair of dentures103−161 *0103−161 *
SPF30Rebase of dentures1870187

* In prosthetic treatments the costs for dental technician will be added to the fee. A more accurate cost estimate will be given before treatment. A single implant crown total costs estimate is 2200 - 2800 €.

Oral physiologic function    
SHA01Treatment of oral physiologic function, short67661
SHA02Treatment of oral physiologic function921082
SHB00Manufacturing and fitting of dental splintfrom 60027from 573
SXC06Sleep apnea rail / snoring barfrom 110027from 1100
Pain relief    
WX110/WX290Local anestesia30327
WX105Local anestesia on surface of gingiva25322
Treatment by dental hygienist    
SAB03Examination of the teeth and mouth71863
SDA03 - 05Removal of dental calculus and tartar control 20-45 min79−1698−1871−151
 Cleaning with soda powder (light whitening)89089
 Same visit as removal of dental calculus, BlancOne® Click89089
 Dental whitening BlancOne® Click1250125
 Dental whitening BlancOne ® Touch2650265
 Dental whitening BlancOne® Ultra3100310
 Service fee15  
 Kanta fee / per every registred Kanta visit3,50  
 With the fee we cover all costs rising from technical requirements and costs from the Kanta authorities. We charge the fee for every visit that leaves a mark in the Kanta system. The fee includes all medical recepies.    

Payment: Usual bank and credit cards (not Diners or American express), ePassi, Edenred and cash. Invoice on agreement.


Uncancelled visit or visits cancelled the same day will be charged by 35 €/15 min.


More information about the KELA refunding system you can find here: KELA.